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Chef Hope’s Watermelon Granita

30 Minutes
6 Servings
6 Ingredients


Cool off and refresh with Chef Hope’s Watermelon Granita – a delightful, icy treat that's perfect for those scorching summer days. This recipe combines the natural sweetness of watermelon with a hint of zesty lemon juice and a touch of sugar, resulting in a frozen sensation that's both delicious and invigorating.


1. Blitz watermelon, water, sugar, lemon juice and salt in a blender for 1 minute.

2. Pour mixture in a dish and freeze for 1 hour. Scrape the top of the granita with a fork and return to the freezer.

3. Freeze granita for another hour. Scrape the granita with a fork again and return to the freezer.

4. Freeze for another hour or until you have a snowlike texture.

5. Serve granita in a bowl with mixed berries or serve over cocktails or ice cream.


Tip: Serve with vodka for an extra kick.


  • Single Watermelon
  • 1 cup (250ml) water​
  • 200ml sugar​
  • 200ml lemon juice​
  • Pinch of salt​
  • Mixed berries, to serve